28 research outputs found

    Understanding the Role of Objects in Interactive Innovation

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    The purpose of this paper is to understand the role of objects in interactive innovation, i.e. interaction for innovation among core inside innovators, peripheral inside innovators and outside innovators. Going beyond the predominant usage of ‘boundary objects’ we argue that a pluralistic approach of objects is needed to better understand and trace the different – and shifting – roles that objects play in interactive innovation. To do so, we develop a framework of the role of objects in interactive innovation. This framework is applied while designing the “IP Industry Base” (IPIB) project for interactive innovation. The IPIB is an innovative analytical database in the field of competitive intelligence (CI). From the lessons learned in this project, we discuss what needs to be considered for the conscious development of objects to foster interactive innovation in the context of highly innovative software development projects

    SesameTM: Building Topic Maps on RDF

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    Over the past decade RDF has developed to become the dominant standard for representation and interchange of structured data on the web. In portal development, widely unrecognized by Semantic Web research, subject-centric topic maps are actively used and have evolved from an ancient SGML and intermittent XML-based standard to a pure data model. This data model can be represented as a graph and served various integration strategies, put forward over the past years, as a starting point. However, none of these strategies really appreciates the way in which the technologies are used resulting in a poor tool interoperability. To overcome this state we propose a Topic Maps engine acting as congurable wrapper for Sesame. The software library we develop and describe in this paper implements the Topic Maps Application Programming Interface (TMAPI) enabling the usage of Topic Maps infrastructure instead of working at the level of RDF triples

    Identifiers in e-Science platforms for the ecological sciences

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    In the emerging Web of Data, publishing stable and unique identifiers promises great potential in using the web as common platform to discover and enrich data in the ecologic sciences. With our collaborative e-Science platform “BEFdata”, we generated and published unique identifiers for the data repository of the Biodiversity – Ecosystem Functioning Research Unit of the German Research Foundation (BEF-China; DFG: FOR 891). We linked part of the identifiers to two external data providers, thus creating a virtual common platform including several ecological repositories. We used the Global Biodiversity Facility (GBIF) as well the International Plant Name Index (IPNI) to enrich the data from our own field observations. We conclude in discussing other potential providers for identifiers for the ecological research domain. We demonstrate the ease of making use of existing decentralized and unsupervised identifiers for a data repository, which opens new avenues to collaborative data discovery for learning, teaching, and research in ecology

    Real-time Generation of Topic Maps from Speech Streams

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    Abstract. Topic Maps are means for representing sophisticated, conceptual indexes of any information collection for the purpose of semantic information integration. To properly fulfil this purpose, the generation of Topic Maps has to base on a solid theory. This paper proposes the Observation Principle as the theoretical fundament of a future scientific discipline Topic Maps Engineering. SemanticTalk generates sophisticated, conceptual indexes of speech streams in real-time. Reflecting the Observation Principle, this paper describes how these indexes are created, how they are represented as Topic Maps and how they can be used for semantic information integration purposes. 1

    Designing analytical approaches for interactive competitive intelligence

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    Der Begriff der Resilienz erfährt aktuell eine starke Resonanz in der Wirtschaftsgeographie. Das Platzen der Dotcom-Blase und die Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise Ende der 2000er Jahre werfen Fragen dazu auf, wie ökonomische Krisen entstehen und wie sie vermieden oder gemeistert werden können. Auch Herausforderungen des Klimawandels, der Ressourcenverknappung oder des demographischen Wandels wirken sich auf ökonomische Systeme aus. Staaten und Regionen sind von Krisen nicht nur in unterschiedlichem Maße betroffen, auch ihre Reaktionen darauf unterscheiden sich erheblich. Einige gehen gestärkt aus Krisen hervor, andere werden in ihrer Entwicklung zurückgeworfen, und wieder andere scheinen kaum betroffen zu sein. Ist dieser Umstand begründet in einer unterschiedlich starken Resilienz? Und wenn j a, welche Prozesse bedingen oder beeinflussen eine mehr oder weniger starke Resilienz von räumlichen Einheiten